
大学の全教職員より家で「大学をやっている学生」の親へのメッセージ:私たちの多くは学生が今週から家に戻って学習をするにあたり、この試みを前進させるためにいくつかの考えを共有しようと思いま した。
1. あなたの学生は休憩のために家にいません。またそのように扱わないでください。彼らはまだクラスの課題や論文やクラススケジュールを持った状態 で帰っています。 彼らは通常の家族のディナータイムにクラスを受講している可能性 があります。彼らは一日中兄弟をお世話することはできません。 彼らはおばあちゃんのために食料品を送り届けたりすることはでき ないかもしれません。それは彼らが家の周りのことを助けるべきではないと言うことでは ありません。 大学生が食器洗浄機を空にしてくれたり 洗濯物の手伝いをしてくれることを期待します。しかし、 彼らが本当に時間的に可能な時にそれらのリクエストをしていることを確認 して、彼らのスケジュールを尊重してください。
2. 彼らは多くのストレス下にあることに気付きましょう。大学は学期の最もストレスの多い時期に突入しています。期末課題や論文などの提出物が続く最もストレスの高い時期なので す。我々は彼らが今まで使ってこなかったかもしれない新しいオンライ ンシステムを使いこなすようにお願いしました。 更に彼らは普段の社会的な交流や学内の資源から遠ざけらた状況を強いられています。多くの学生(特に4年生)は、彼らがすべての学期/ 年に向けて準備をしてきた春のパフォーマンス、 スポーツイベント、キャンパス活動の喪失を悲しんでいます。 多くの学生の中には、 先輩と別れを告げる機会を失った人もいます。
3. 成功するために必要なリソースを全て持っていることを確認してください。 能力を最大限にするために他の家族が彼らを家の中で放っ ておいたり、一人で学習する場所があることを確認してください。 彼らは学習をするために必要なコンピュータ/ インターネット接続の環境は整っていますか? 彼らは必要な教科書やノートなどを寮の部屋からすべて持ち帰りま したか? それが不可能だった場合はオンラインテキストへのアクセスについて教 授に確認してください。パンデミックの間、 多くの出版社が無料の電子書籍アクセスを提供しています。
4. 覚えておいてください。彼らはもう高校にいるのではありません。 彼らに課題提出があるときに期限を思い出させる必要はありません。次の試験のためにいつ勉強を始めるべきか、 今夜の論文を書く必要はないかどうかなども含めて彼らは大人であり、課題や論文の期限を自分たちで管理することができます。
5. 親御さんに警告しておくと、大学生は本当に変な時間に睡眠と学習のスケジュールを立てています 。 例えばチームメンバーとのミーティングを夜の9時か10時に予定 することは珍しくありません。 ほとんどの勉強時間は暗くなってからです。 彼らのために自由に好きな時間に学ばせて、 彼らがやっと寝るときに電気は消すようにだけ伝えておくと良いで しょう。
6. 地元の大学や昔の高校の友達との集まりは止めるように伝えましょう。もしあなたが私のような社交家であれば尚更 他の人と一緒にいたくなることでしょう。 しかし私たちが家に帰ってオンライン学習をお願いしているすべて の理由は、人々をバラバラにするためなのです。「 数週間後にコロナウイルスの影響が低下し始めれば彼らは外出して 友達と一緒に物事を行うことができるようになる」と安心させてくだ さい。 とりあえずできるだけ家にいてそして( こんなことを私たちが言うとは思わなかったですが) 常に学生の手に張り付いている「電話」 通して社会的な交流を促しましょう。
追伸: 彼らには教授に優しくすることも伝えておいてください。 私たちのほとんどは、オンラインプラットフォームへのクラス、課題、 評価を完全に改訂するのに1週間以内に対応することなりまし た。私たちは使ったことがない技術を使ってプラットフォームの開発をしています。 私たち家庭の多くは大学生、小中高校生、 保育園に通う子どもたちがいます。また心配している高齢の両親を 持っています。 私たちはあなたの学生にふさわしい質の高い教育を提供するために 最善を尽くしますが、 私たちはきっといくつかの間違いを犯すでしょうし、 私たちが試していることは全く失敗に終わることもあります。 一緒にこの時期を忍耐強く乗り切っていきましょう。
From OSU Parents Page: This is a repost from a professor at Carnegie Mellon….gave me a lot to think about for our college kids. Worth the read
A message to parents of students now doing college from home from a faculty member:
Many of us are navigating new terrain beginning this week, so I thought I’d share a few thoughts as we move forward.
1. Your student is not home for break, and don’t treat it as such. Your student is still carrying a full course load and class schedule. They may have a class scheduled during your normal family dinner time. They are not going to be able to supervise younger siblings all day. They may not be available to drop off groceries for Grandma. That’s not to say they shouldn’t help with things around the house. I will expect my college students to empty the dishwasher, help with the laundry, etc. But make sure that you are making requests when they are truly available and respect their schedule.
2. Realize that they are under A LOT of stress. We are entering the most stressful time of the semester with final projects, papers, and course material that is at its peak difficulty. We are asking them to navigate new online systems that they may not have used before. On top of that they have been displaced from their normal routine, their social interactions, their campus resources, etc. Many of them (especially seniors) are grieving the loss of anticipated spring performances, sporting events, and campus activities that they have been working toward all semester/year. Some of them have lost the opportunity to say goodbye to senior friends.
3. Make sure they have the resources they need to be successful. To the best of your ability, make sure they have a place to work where the rest of the family knows to leave them alone. Do they have the computer/Internet connection they need to do their work? Have they retrieved all of the necessary textbooks, notes, etc. from their dorm room? If that’s not feasible, have them check with their professor about online access to the text. Many publishers are providing free Ebook access during the pandemic.
4. Remember, they are not in high school anymore. They do not need you to remind them when they have assignments due, and you don’t need to tell them when they should start studying for the next exam or writing that paper that is due tonight. They are adults and fully capable of managing their workload.
5. Just a warning, college students have really weird working and sleep schedules. It is not uncommon for them to schedule a meeting with team members at 9 or 10 pm, and prime study time for most is after dark. Just let them do what works for them and remind them to shut the lights off when they finally do go to sleep.
6. Discourage them from getting together with local college and old high school friends. If you have a social butterfly like I do, they are going to want to be with others. But the whole reason that we are doing this is to keep people apart. Reassure them that in a few weeks, when the coronavirus cases start to decline, they will be able to go out and do things with friends. For now, stay home as much as possible. And (I never thought I’d say this) encourage social interaction through the phone that’s always attached to their hands for the immediate future.
Most of all, enjoy having your kids back under your roof for a while. Stay healthy!
Many of us are navigating new terrain beginning this week, so I thought I’d share a few thoughts as we move forward.
1. Your student is not home for break, and don’t treat it as such. Your student is still carrying a full course load and class schedule. They may have a class scheduled during your normal family dinner time. They are not going to be able to supervise younger siblings all day. They may not be available to drop off groceries for Grandma. That’s not to say they shouldn’t help with things around the house. I will expect my college students to empty the dishwasher, help with the laundry, etc. But make sure that you are making requests when they are truly available and respect their schedule.
2. Realize that they are under A LOT of stress. We are entering the most stressful time of the semester with final projects, papers, and course material that is at its peak difficulty. We are asking them to navigate new online systems that they may not have used before. On top of that they have been displaced from their normal routine, their social interactions, their campus resources, etc. Many of them (especially seniors) are grieving the loss of anticipated spring performances, sporting events, and campus activities that they have been working toward all semester/year. Some of them have lost the opportunity to say goodbye to senior friends.
3. Make sure they have the resources they need to be successful. To the best of your ability, make sure they have a place to work where the rest of the family knows to leave them alone. Do they have the computer/Internet connection they need to do their work? Have they retrieved all of the necessary textbooks, notes, etc. from their dorm room? If that’s not feasible, have them check with their professor about online access to the text. Many publishers are providing free Ebook access during the pandemic.
4. Remember, they are not in high school anymore. They do not need you to remind them when they have assignments due, and you don’t need to tell them when they should start studying for the next exam or writing that paper that is due tonight. They are adults and fully capable of managing their workload.
5. Just a warning, college students have really weird working and sleep schedules. It is not uncommon for them to schedule a meeting with team members at 9 or 10 pm, and prime study time for most is after dark. Just let them do what works for them and remind them to shut the lights off when they finally do go to sleep.
6. Discourage them from getting together with local college and old high school friends. If you have a social butterfly like I do, they are going to want to be with others. But the whole reason that we are doing this is to keep people apart. Reassure them that in a few weeks, when the coronavirus cases start to decline, they will be able to go out and do things with friends. For now, stay home as much as possible. And (I never thought I’d say this) encourage social interaction through the phone that’s always attached to their hands for the immediate future.
Most of all, enjoy having your kids back under your roof for a while. Stay healthy!
P.S. Remind them to be kind to their professors. Most of us have had a week or less to completely revise our classes, assignments, and assessments to an online platform. We are using technology that we have never used or never used in this way. Many of us also have children home from college, school, or daycare – or elderly parents that we are concerned about. We will do our absolute best to provide your students with the quality education they deserve, but we will make some mistakes and some things we try are going to fall flat. Be patient, we’ll get through it together.